Sunday, September 4, 2016

Happy Labor Day 2016

As we should all take a moment and reflect to the true reason for this weekend, we should also rejoice and enjoy the loved ones around us.

For decades, my hubby's aunt and uncle have hosted a small Labor Day party. It's one of the two times a year they have everyone over.
This year is a little bittersweet.

Uncle passed away a few months ago and Aunt decided she really wanted to have one last party at the house before she prepares for selling and moving.
(Thank you for your service Uncle B)

Most everyone is going to be able to attend, the girl child is working all day and another cousin has moved out of state. Pretty good turnout if I do say so myself.

No big surprise, I was asked to bring my eggs and a veggie tray.
Hubby has been craving some braised drumsticks, so I made a big batch and will be bringing some of those too.

Two of the little cousins will be coming from a neighboring state, and we haven't seen them in awhile. One had a birthday in April and the other is later this we picked up a couple of little gifts for them just because.

Looking forward to seeing people!

Hope you enjoyed your weekend!

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