Sunday, December 20, 2015
Merry Christmas 2015
To all and to all a good night!
Whatever holiday you are celebrating, I hope you are with friends and family and making the most out of every minute. If it's not so pleasant...well, at least it will be a holiday for the memory books!
This has been a different sort of year for us. Schedules have changed like crazy and I can't seem to find the time to do much of anything.
Normally I bake like crazy, this year, only a couple of batches of cookies
Apple Butter Snickerdoodles
I didn't even send cards this year.
Shocking, I know!
I did manage to get Christmas presents out to my nieces (thank you to hubby for running to the post for me!) but no treats for them to nibble on from Auntie.
I have been spending weeknights running out to try and pick up last minute gifts, Most of my shopping was done online. Had a moment of panic when one shipment, which had a good chunk of the girl child's presents in it, all of a sudden had no tracking information. Really? Was it lost? Was someone hanging on to it because they knew it would stress me out? Either way, it is here...WHEW!
Now that we are just around the corner from the big day, I am starting to swim in my sea of lists. Lists of what I need to get done around the house, grocery lists, guest lists, party lists, meal lists....I am sure I have a list of lists somewhere! I poke fun at myself, but I really do love my lists. They keep me on track!
I host Christmas Eve for my husband's family and some friends of ours. It's a nice, relaxing evening. We eat, do stockings, and watch A Christmas Story on TBS.
Hubby dearest has me making a ham this year, I love, love, love the SMELL of a ham cooking, The eating part, eh, I will leave that up to everyone else.
Keeping it simple this year, the girl and I plan on making (the ham of course)
Warm Spinach Dip
Stuffed Mushrooms
Due to work schedules, the "party" is starting a little late this year. I am thinking that will be enough, plus, everyone else brings something,
Christmas day we are doing brunchy type foods at my aunt and uncles. This is when my side will meet up and do a gift swap.
Historically we have drawn names, but then it progressed to a Yankee Swap. This year we are doing sort of a Yankee Swap, it has a fun little twist. Hoping it is a fun swap...I will keep you posted!
By the time every gets to my aunt and uncle's, they have been nibbling on whatever all morning. My aunt and I handle the food, and we have learned not to have too much.
She makes an egg casserole that most people seem to enjoy.
I will be making biscuits and gravy.
Oh how I love them!
With all the traveling on Christmas, I try to have something either in the crock pot or ready to be thrown in the oven for our Christmas dinner. Haven't checked that item off my list yet. Hm.
The day after Christmas, another aunt is holding her holiday open house. It's the one time a year that all of her side and all of my uncle's side get together.
No big surprise, she wants me to make
Deviled Eggs
I will probably make something else too...not sure what though.
I like having large crowds to sneak in a new dish and see what the reactions are!
Enjoy your holiday my friends...I will be taking a little break until after the New Year.
What are your traditions or plans for this year?
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