
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I am incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by a large, wonderful family that looks for ANY reason to get together. Thanksgiving is just a GREAT reason!
Included are aunts, uncles, cousins, second cousins, and even the extended family (my Auntie Vicki's family is there, and they might as well be blood!). It's great watching the kids grow and forge the tight bonds I have with my own cousins.

We had way too much food...per usual. Auntie Vicki was chasing people down with take home containers; begging and pleading for people to share in the leftover bounty.
Not that anyone minds, we are (once again) very fortunate to be surrounded by awesome, creative cooks. Everything is delicious, and we all eat entirely too much. Yes, there was some of the proverbial "after dinner naps" going on. It's tradition! (It might be a law...yes, I think it might be)

What did I bring?
I brought mucho food-o!
Lucky duck me had my mother up from NC, and between her, my daughter, and myself, we whipped it up between last night and this morning. Yay for kitchen helpers!

I post this now, in order to keep with the timing of the season.
As these recipes post to the blog, I will link them so there will be easy access for you!

I made:

1. BLT Bites
2. Deviled Eggs
3. Mashed Potato
4. Carrots
5. Macaroni and Cheese
6. Pecan Pie
7. Chocolate Toffee Creme Pie
8. Key Lime Pie
9. Corn Casserole

This Thanksgiving, as always, I am beyond thankful for all my amazing friends and family. I very much think about those who are no longer with us, and keep them in my heart always.

Do you have some awesome, go-to, everyone L-O-V-E-S Thanksgiving recipes you want to share with me? Please do!

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