
Monday, July 24, 2017

Coke Pork Chops

Mr Lennon the cat ran out of water while we were sleeping.
I feel horrible!

He woke up with me this AM, came into my room, climbed on the bed, and it was normal kitty routine. Scritch me here, scratch me there...oh, black pants, let me lie down on them for awhile.
BUT when I started heading for the kitchen, all bets were off.

My normally quiet kitty was meowling all pitiful like. Then the unthinkable happened...he climbed up on the counter and headed for the sink.
He knows he is not allowed up there!

Message received sir! Checked out his bowl, and there is some water left, but it's grody, He put food and hair in it.
Once he got his fresh water, he drank so fast he started gagging.
Poor man.
I feel like the worst kitty mama ever!

The problem has been fixed, and he is now purring away.

8 Medium sized pork chops
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 Cup ketchup
1 Cup Coke
Brown sugar for topping

1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Place pork in a baking pan, salt and pepper to taste
3. In medium bowl, mix ketchup and Coke.
4. Pour ketchup mixture over pork chops
5. Sprinkle tops with brown sugar
6. Bake uncovered for 1 hour or until chops are tender


Adapted from Moms who Think

Come party with me HERE!


  1. time I had been on the phone for a couple of hours with a friend. my dog came and sat in front of me and she had her water bowl in her mouth. talk about a hint.

    the recipe sounds good

    and no, you are not the worst kitty mama ever. people who don't spay or neuter.... not keep their cats in and then get mad at you after you have them spayed (pregnant) because it showed up at your house. I thought it was a stray or throw out. (we live in the country). have had many cats and dogs show up. we trap, spay or neuter them when they do. we are willing to feed them, but don't want them making any more.

    1. Oh wow! I applaud you for taking your time and money to spay/neuter all those animals! I have never had an animal that I didn't have fixed, I agree, it's the responsible thing to do.
      Cute story about the water bowl! Our animals have so much to say to us, and they make sure we hear it!

  2. think I am gonna have to give this one a swing.


  3. Ah, the life of a cat owner...I'm one too. Yes, back to the pork chops. They look so good. I always have trouble with mine being tough. Does this recipe sort of tenderize them? Love the sound of the coke & ketchup combo in the recipe. Thanks for sharing with Sweet Inspiration this week!

    1. No tough chops here! You are very right, the acid in the Coke as well as the ketchup help break down the meat. They were much more delicious than they look!

  4. Hmmm sounds delicious what time is dinner? Thanks for sharing with us at #overthemoon, Jay and have a lovely day
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond

  5. Those looks so succulent! Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner link up!
