
Monday, July 11, 2016

Sausage Dip

Wow...what a long, strange trip it has been!

I knew I was going to take a bloggy break over the holidays, but I was glad I left room for an extra week of break.

It started when my aunt had to put her fur baby down. Gizmo was almost 10 and had congestive heart failure. She was more than slightly miserable. Her coughs sounded like a hammer. They tried medicines, they did everything they could...but, the inevitable came to be.
She is all sorts of missing her "baby". Her hubby, my uncle, is retired, and didn't realize how much he would talk to the dog all day!
Religious or not, I love the idea of the rainbow bridge.

My parents came up to visit for abut 10 days.
We went north towards the beach and let my father have his fill of seafood.
2 lobsters, fried clams, shrimp, scallops, and haddock. He had no shame getting his fill!
I miss my parents so much, and it was beyond words to get to spend so much time with them.
We introduced them to our fave game, Scattergories. My father says he will be running out to get his own version as soon as he gets home.

During our trip, which included us 3, my parents, and the same aunt and uncle that just lost their doggie...
We found out that my uncle's brother in law passed away.
It was not a surprise, but that does not make it any easier.
I knew before we left for the beach that he was in his final moments, and on our way up, we got the call that he had passed.
Hubby and I went to the wake, it's a huge family, and it was such a mixed blessing. Hugs and happiness for those still with us, but sad (and happy!) memories of those who have gone past.

During the same trip, a family friend called and revealed that her cancer has returned and that she has made some decisions revolving around her care.
Such a hard topic to discuss.

We got home, and my mother in law called to let us know that hubby's uncle has passed on. Once again, it's not a surprise, but, it's the hole that will be left in the family.

Mr Fuzzy Face didn't fare so well with us gone. It was just different for him this time I guess. With my parents here, he was off kilter having new people around, and then we left for days.
My neighbor, whom Fluffernutter LOVES came to check on him every day...multiple times. He just needed his people though. He was shedding like crazy when we came back. The other night he even climbed up on my chest for scritches like he used to as a kitten. was a little more "vomity" than I would like to know about.
He just needs to know we are home and not leaving him.
Breaks my kitty cat loving heart though!

The girl child started her next semester of school.
Hubby is still healing from back surgery.
We are SO short staffed at work and I am working crazy hours.
Had a long talk with a friend who had a cancerous tumor removed from her esophagus. (not her first bout with cancer)
Hubby's truck is still in the shop.

It's a lot as of late. So much.

Opened my mail...and there is a random "thinking of you" card from my friend who has NO idea that all this just happened.
I love her for just reaching out for no reason.

Thanks for allowing me to have a break, and thanks for listening to me rant!

2 (16 oz each) rolls of bulk sausage
2 (8 oz each) packages of cream cheese (softened)
28 oz Picante sauce

1. Brown the sausage, crumbling as it cooks
2. Drain sausage
3. Mix sausage, cream cheese, and picante sauce
4. Warm in crock pot on low, stirring occasionally


Adapted from: Brown Eyed Baker

Come party with me HERE!


  1. Sounds like you have a had a rough time. I hope things are turning around and looking brighter. Thanks for sharing your recipe over at Celebrate Your Story!

  2. Thanks for the recipe and praying that brighter days come your way.

  3. Thanks for sharing this recipe at Cooking and Crafting with J&J!!

  4. Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough time! I hope things start looking brighter for you soon. :)

  5. I am so sorry for the loss of your loved ones. I will remember you and your family in my prayers today and hope that your life will be better soon. Your Sausage Dip looks delicious and we would love it. I really appreciate you sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday and hope you have a great weekend!
    Come Back Soon,
    Miz Helen

  6. I'm so sorry to hear that you and your family lost loved ones as well as that there are those you love who are ill, Jay. It really does sound like you are having a very rough time indeed at the moment. I'm glad you were able to have a little break and spend some time with your family. Hope that your fur-baby is soon feeling more confident again and that your husband's recovery from back surgery is a speedy one. Your Sausage Dip looks like a wonderful treat to share with friends. Thank you for sharing it with us at the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  7. Hi Jay! So sorry for all you are going through... Life is tough sometimes... That dip though is soooo good looking! Thanks you for sharing on DI & DI :) We enjoy having you!

  8. yum! This sounds so delicious!

    I'd love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, and tips:

    Thanks for joining Cooking and Crafting with J & J!
