
Friday, August 23, 2013

Plan B

The best laid plans of mice and men....

I do my meal planning weekly. I try to do bi-weekly, but tend to get a little overwhelmed and end up forgetting something...or someone in my house doesn't know what it is for and uses it on me.

We had this incident the other night.
I asked my daughter to grab me the chicken out of the fridge so I could start dinner.

No sooner did she bring it to me, but something seemed off. I opened the pack...GAG!
I checked the date and it was still 3 days before the "sell by" date.
Imagine my (grossed out) disappointment.

Off to the trash it goes, and now what?

Well luckily we keep stuff on hand for "fend nights" I did some digging in the freezer and came up with this.

I paired it with homemade tartar sauce and we were good to go.

Always do I prefer to cook from scratch than to make processed food products, but sometimes you have to just roll with it.

We eat pretty healthy around here, one night didn't hurt, it almost felt like a treat!

As I am typing this, I remember I have new chicken in the fridge. I think I will spend my afternoon cleaning, cutting, and labeling for the freezer. DO NOT want this to happen again.

What are your go-to emergency plan b meals?

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